Friday, 6 April 2012

Strawberries finally in!!!!!

I've been realy slack, busy you know what I mean. However the 24 strawberry plants I bought 7 months ago have been out on the lawn getting a water here and there and the odd snail pulled off em, and the odd strawberry eaten and enjoyed, however by and large they have been neglected and forgotten.

NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For months I've had an idea that i could use 150mm PVC storm water pipe to make my own strawberry planters which I could hang off the top rail of the fence keeoing the chooks out of the veggie patch area.
And with Kaz and Linnae away for a few days my opportunity came knocking!!!!! Woooo Hoooo me time in the garden......
End caps on and drilling holes in top of pipe to plant strawberries.

So my 6 metre length of 150mm storm water pipe was cut into three 2 metre lengths. End caps put on and then 135mm holes cut into the top of the pipe.

Drainage holes drilled in bottom of pipe.

On the left the finished planted out with strawberries
On the right ready to plant out!!!!

Small holes were then drilled in to the bottom of the pipe to allow drainage and ensure excess water can drain out of pipe.  No for the best bit of this project, planting. I bought bulk compost from my local garden supply centre. A thin layer of compost was put in bottom of pipe then strawberries were planted in each hole. Compost was then filled around each plant and watered in with seasol and power feed. (both seasol products).

Another planted was then hung on the other side of the top rail and planted out. Strawberries hang over the side out of the dirt and out of the way of slugs and snails.

The finished project!!!! With strawberries hanging out of  the dirt
& and out of the way of chooks and snails n slugs!!!

I still need to run a dripper line along the top of the pipe to make watering easy in summer and so water isn't sprayed over fruit and leaves. This will reduce fungal disease.

So happy with result. When strawberries start sending out runners I will divide these and make and plant out more planters.


  1. god that looks should patent that idea and charge people for it!

  2. How are the strawberries doing now? Are they coming back well each spring? How is the harvest?
