Monday, 18 July 2011

Cat Bibs On!!!!

Timmy as happy as normal, still his adventuresome self
Kitten not so sure and a little grumpy
Well following up from an earlier blog. I received the Cat Bibs in the mail today. So simple, so easy to put on. Didn't even have to take off the collars. Just slip a tab under the collar fold back Velcro on it's self and all done. using a permamant marker I put the cats name on it and both my Wife and my phone number on them. In case they are caught for any reason!!!
'Timmy' (he was named that by RSPCA before we got him) adjusted very quickly and was outside climbing over & through fences, running around and not really fussed at all. 'Kitten' however was a little grumpy, and very tentative, but didn't take long to venture into the garden. She was a lot more clumsy and didn't look happy at all. I read the literature about the Cath Bibs that came in the mail and discovered you can adjust the height of the bib so the cats don't trip on it. I readjusted 'Kittens' bid and hey presto much better.
After a few hours on even Kitten has got over it and is just going with the flow. Now I just need to wait and see if the number of lizards caught and brought inside is reduce. To be honest the number of birds caught (that we know about) has been very few only 3 or 4 in three years. Quite a few lizards are caught so I wait and will update post from time to time and let you know how they go.
have already received a phone call from a concerned neighbour asking if they cat is alright has it got caught in something or been to the vets? I advised her what they are and she was impressed.
If nothing else it shows we are responsible cat owners trying to reduce the impact of cat ownership living in the hills.

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