Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The new chooks need separating from the youngs ones!

The new older Isa Browns are pecking the younger birds and they need to be separated. What to do!
The new pen to separate naughty chooks!!!
 I decided to close off 2.5m of one end of the pen. Another post was put in to create a wall of wire another post put in to support the gate and the whole area enclosed with wire. The corrugated iron is to provide shelter from the wind and rain.  I can also use the roof as storage for cages, extra feeders, etc.
Building this pen using the end of the pen inspired me to build another one up the other end of the pen. I built it exactly the same but it was split into two separate pens. This means when/if I start breeding chooks to eat I can separate roosters, brooding hens and young chickens. Its now a truly versatile pen with different pens with in the main pen, meaning all pens are fully predator proof.                                                                                                                                                
This is the new nest box which has 3 nests.  Its up off
the ground for added insulation, & keep it out of mud.
Each morning when I let them out to free range in the garden I take the time to scoop up all the poo. each morning a bucket full of straw and poo is added to my compost heap. This means the chooks are not walking in the poo which reduces the exposure to disease and pathogens.
All nests and the floor of the chook house has straw covering them. This makes it easy to scoop up poo using a small hand garden fork. I have found this so effective to maintain a clean, hygienic, chook house and nests that I have spread a few bales of straw on the floor off the pens.  The veggie patch and orchard trees will love the compost this system is regularly producing.

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