Leveling the base before pavers are laid |
A beautiful winter Saturday morning in Kallista, sun shining, no wind. Me just pottering about in the garden chainsawing up some timber slabs for the bird/sugar glider boxes I'm making. (more of that in a latter post). My wife then asks can you maybe re-do the paving you pulled up when you fixed the plumbing today. Now this was not a question however kindly it was asked! She was right it was a priority as rain is forecast for tomorrow. We can park the car up near the house but when we get out the car you stepped onto the dirt strip without paving and have to cross it dirt strip 2 to get to our front door.
So with shovel, gloves and rubber mallet i get to work. I shovelled out some of the excess dirt leveled the dirt making sure it was a little higher than needed and placed pavers down one by one settling them into the dirt using the rubber mallet until the pavers were level with the other pavers.
When the paving was all laid i did a final tidy up removing the pile of excess dirt and the old terracotta pipe which had caused this mess in the first place.
Job completed.
And now it's Sunday raining solidly and we can get into and out of the car and into the house with out having to avoid mud piles!
Rubber mallet used to seat the pavers in |
THANKYOU Tim! I made you a yummy chocolate cake to say thanks!