So now i feel much better snuggling up to my 'killers' knowing they will be killing much less when my cat bibs arrive in the next 3-4 days. I'll keep you posted with how they work.
The following info is taken directly from the CatBib wedsite i am in no way involved with this product or recieving finacial gain. I just think it's a great product for people who love thier cats but know they are naughty!!!! Brilliant idea.
The Murdoch University trial scientifically proved that CatBib stopped over 80% of cats killing wild birds and reduced small animal predation by almost half.
New Catbib Size - the BIG BIB
Now choose from two sizes of CatBib...
the Regular/Small CatBib (AUD $16.95)
and the new BIG CatBib (AUD $20.95)
the Regular/Small CatBib (AUD $16.95)
and the new BIG CatBib (AUD $20.95)
Save even more birds!
Please Note: Whether to choose a Regular or a BIG CatBib is based on your cat's aggression NOT on the size of your cat.
If you are unsure, opt for the regular size first – there’s a better than 80% chance it will work well.
The regular triangular-shaped size was tested by Murdoch University Biological Sciences Department and has been scientifically proven to stop 81% of cats from catching birds, 45% of cats from catching small mammals, and 33% of cats from catching herptofauna.
But what about those few more aggressive cats, the 19% (1 out of 5 cats) who continue to catch some birds? For those more aggressive cats, an experimental BIG CatBib was sent out and tested by customers. This larger size stops almost all of even the most aggressive cats from catching any birds! So much so that the CatBib’s record of stopping cats from catching birds is nearly 98% effective. In other words, testing has shown that 81% of known bird catching cats will not be able to catch a single bird wearing the regular sized CatBib. The more aggressive 19% of cats who can still catch some birds with the regular CatBib, can more often than not, be prevented from catching any birds by wearing the new BIG CatBib.
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